Elenter's investigation has many layers, it covers many problems of our history and contemporaneity. Her photographic work opposes the invisibility of women and their subordination in the past, in the health system and in their historical role as a pregnant being and responsible for the evolution of the human being. A role that has been reduced to her productive biological condition, excluding the identity and experience of each woman.
Giving birth is an individual and collective act, it is an experience that transcends us as unique individuals, it connects us intensely with each and every one of the women who gave birth in the world and over time. It is an expansive, exorbitant journey that has nothing to do with the reductionist nature of the technological and digital era. It is an expertise that connects us to the mystery of the creation of the universe, of the big bang, making us equal with all the creatures on the planet.
The artist recognizes the innate and subversive power of women giving birth and makes us complicit in her abstraction. It invites you to reconstruct your gaze and revisit it free of the influence of others. Under Elenter's gaze, the delivery room becomes a political space, like the body, and part of the collective struggle of feminism.
Catalina Bunge, Curator.